CIBI Everyday Towel [Face towel]
¥2,145 税込
なら 手数料無料で 月々¥710から
ふっくら柔らかな肌触り、吸水性、耐久性を併せ 持つ、毎日使ってほしいタオルができました。
高品質のタオル生産地として知られる愛媛県 今治で、100年の歴史を持つタオルメーカーとともにCIBIが作った今治タオル認定商品です。
日本の伝統色「白梅鼠」「青藍」からインスパイアされた、グレーとブルー。飽きのこないベー シックな色味は、贈り物にもぴったりです。
Soft to touch, absorbent and durable, this towel is designed to enrich your everyday life.
CIBI towels are made in Imabari, Ehime prefecture, a region known for producing the highest quality towel in Japan.
The towels are Imabari certified and made by a local manufacturer with a history spanning over a century.
The colour palette of soft grey and blue, is inspired by the traditional Japanese colours
“shiraumenezu” and “seiran”.
CIBI everyday towels will be a beautiful addition to your home.
Care instructions
●Wash separately from other items as fine cotton fluff may come out during the first few washes.
●Do not use fluorescent or chlorine bleach.
●Use a dryer to maintain the towel’s softness.
●Dry in a well-ventilated, shaded area after washing.
34 x 80cm
¥2,145 税込