CIBI everyday glass
毎日の暮らしに寄り添うような、CIBIオリジナルデザインのグラス。 朝、昼、夜、どんなシチュエーションにもどんな飲み物にもマッチします。 高台をイメージした遊び心のあるフォルム、 子どもから大人までみんなが持ちやすいちょっと小ぶりなサイズ、 口あたりの良い極薄ボディ。 私たちのデザインは、”うすはりグラス”で知られる松徳硝子の職人たちの 吹きガラスの熟練技術によって、形になりました。 子どもはゴクゴク、大人はチビチビ。 飲む時間を楽しくさせる日常使いのeveryday glassです。 グラスサイズ:H86 × W38 × Φ57 mm 容量:140ml ボックスサイズ:W18 × H90 × D90 mm *2個セットの価格です。 Elegant simplicity “In creating this glass, I started with the key words ‘family’ and ‘joy’, a glass everyone can use everyday for any drink. It’s for kids and adults alike, designed to enjoy sipping from, as well as pouring your drink into. I like the human interaction of giving and receiving that comes naturally in pouring a drink, and the way the glass encourages people to pour for each other - a gesture of hospitality in Japanese culture. For all of us at CIBI, it is a first small CIBI step to design and sell our own glass. I hope you enjoy it with every sip.” The Function: a true all-purpose glass The CIBI #1 is a universal glass that will add to the enjoyment of any drink. We use this glass for serving beer, sake, wine and other spirits, as well as for water, juice, and iced tea. Our everyday glass is about taking your time and enjoying the moment. It engages your senses in the act of drinking, nicely balanced in the hand, and appealing to both aromas on the nose and flavours on the palate. We hope you will enjoy many special moments with this glass, and look forward to it being the first in a CIBI family of glasses and custom products. 【How to care for Everyday glass】 To Wash Wash gently by hand in warm/cold soapy water with a cloth or soft sponge, and gently dry. Never twist the glass while washing it. Never use scourers, steel wool, brushes or abrasive materials that may scratch or damage the glass. Do not wash in the dishwasher. To Use Sudden changes in temperature, especially rapid cooling, may break the glasses. Please do not pour cold liquids into the glasses while they are still hot, or leave hot glasses on a wet spot. Never use in a microwave or oven. Crystal glasses are NOT heat-resistant glass or tempered glass, so please treat them gently. To Store After washing, please dry glasses well and store. Do not stack glasses as it may damage the glasses. If you don’t use the glasses for an extended period, the glass may loose its sparkle. To restore it, wash in water with a splash of vinegar. Store glasses in a dark place. Thin 0.8mm H86mm W38mm / 140ml 2pcs
Shotoku glass - Tumbler L set
CIBIで愛用している松徳硝子のうすはりタンブラー。 Lサイズは、ゆずレモネードをお出ししているサイズです。 薄さ1mm以下の極薄ボディで、繊細な口当たりをお楽しみ頂けます。 熟練の職人さんによって一点一点手吹きで作られている、素晴らしい技術の詰まったプロダクト。贈り物にもぴったりです。 Amazing to claim, but the ‘lightness of Usuhari’ adds a new sensation to the simple action of sipping your favourite daily drink, whether water, juice or alcohol. Usuhari enriches the brief moment spent drinking, each and every day. It is simply out of this world and may even make you reconsider your ideas on glass. Usuhari - “The elegance of ultra-thin glass” These remarkably thin drinking glasses called “Usu-hari” (thin glass) are each carefully hand blown and crafted by master craftsmen in the Sumida district in downtown Tokyo. They are created using the same techniques that was traditionally used for hand-making glass light bulbs. Less than 1mm thick, the feel of it in your hands, the sound ice makes when it is swirled in the glass, and fineness of the rim is truly exquisite—and unique to this glass. “Usuhari” appear to be extremely delicate but it can be handled like normal glassware. So experience and enjoy this exquisite glass for yourself often. It adds an exquisite touch to enjoying your favourite drink. Box size:155 x 175 x 90mm / 375ml / two of Tumbler L
Shotoku glass - Tumbler M set
CIBIで愛用している松徳硝子のうすはりタンブラー。 Mサイズは、アイスカフェラテやアイスロングブラックをお出ししているサイズです。 薄さ1mm以下の極薄ボディで、繊細な口当たりをお楽しみ頂けます。 熟練の職人さんによって一点一点手吹きで作られている、素晴らしい技術の詰まったプロダクト。贈り物にもぴったりです。 Amazing to claim, but the ‘lightness of Usuhari’ adds a new sensation to the simple action of sipping your favourite daily drink, whether water, juice or alcohol. Usuhari enriches the brief moment spent drinking, each and every day. It is simply out of this world and may even make you reconsider your ideas on glass. Usuhari - “The elegance of ultra-thin glass” These remarkably thin drinking glasses called “Usu-hari” (thin glass) are each carefully hand blown and crafted by master craftsmen in the Sumida district in downtown Tokyo. They are created using the same techniques that was traditionally used for hand-making glass light bulbs. Less than 1mm thick, the feel of it in your hands, the sound ice makes when it is swirled in the glass, and fineness of the rim is truly exquisite—and unique to this glass. “Usuhari” appear to be extremely delicate but it can be handled like normal glassware. So experience and enjoy this exquisite glass for yourself often. It adds an exquisite touch to enjoying your favourite drink. Box size:135 x160 x 85mm / 260ml / two of Tumbler M
Shotoku glass - V-glass
ウィスキーやジュースなど、どんな飲み物にもマッチするグラスです。 ストライプ模様のV-2は、ウォーターグラスとしてCIBIでお出ししています。 These V-glasses from Shotoku glass are for home and they make your everyday drinking super special. Enjoy them everyday inside and outside. Imagine using them in the back yard as well. Go party everyday. Picture (glass on box) from Left : V-1, V-2, V-3 Size: 8.3 x 9cm / 265ml
Shotoku glass-Sake set
松徳硝子の酒器揃。飲み口が薄くお酒をより一層楽しむことができます。 タンブラーSS 2個、酒注ぎ 1個 タンブラー満水容量 約90cc 、酒注ぎ満水容量 約280cc 木箱サイズ 縦210mm×横143mm×高さ85mm
松徳硝子 SHUKI
松徳硝子のSHUKIシリーズは涼しげで硝子ならではの繊細なデザインです。光が当たると網目模様が美しく目も楽しませてくれます。 器で涼を感じる事も素敵ですよね。 Tokkuri は徳利としてだけでなく、一輪挿しにも使えてお酒を飲めない方でもお楽しみ頂けます。 Tokkuri 01 (丸型) 口径 36mm×高さ110mm 満水容量 230cc Tokkuri 02 (縦型) 口径 30mm×高さ150mm 満水容量 210cc
松徳硝子 SHUKI
松徳硝子のSHUKIシリーズは涼しげで硝子ならではの繊細なデザインです。光が当たると網目模様が美しく目も楽しませてくれます。 暑いこの季節に、器で涼を感じる事も素敵ですよね。 Choco 02 (Y型) 口径 54mm×高さ60mm 満水容量 約75cc Choco 03 (丸型) 口径 46mm×高さ60mm 満水容量 約100cc